How to get unlimited google drive storage for free?
I’ve got only 15gb free storage. is there any way to get free storage?
This might sound crazy, but if you want a “free unlimited storage plan for students on Google Drive,” it’s easy.
Just be a student (or staff) that is already part of an Edu GSuite domain.
Or, convince your district to “Go Google.”
I have more than 100GB of content stored on my school account & I have to say that it’s very nice knowing that there is essentially no upper limit for me.
But students be warned, once you graduate, we (it’s part of my job) give you ample notice and the appropriate tools to migrate your content to a free/personal Google account.
Those top out at 15GB.
There is no such thing as free/unlimited Google storage unless your school signs up to be a Google Edu domain, sorry!
Google has an educational license, if your organization meets their criteria then you can get a site license, inquire within.