What are the best online web development courses?

Asked on October 1, 2021 in Website.
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    The ones that make the learning curve linear and progress on difficult topics only after providing enough insights and examples on the concepts, the ones that consider that students are new to the domain and are not well adept with the Web Development environment, the ones that explain why the program is executing the way it is executing, the ones that provides in-course support in the form of solving the doubts the students might have in a concept or while solving practice problems, the ones that discuss the questions asked in interviews of top organizations. Well, I too learned these lessons the hard way.

    But now, having mastered the subject and thence having bagged a high-paying Full-Stack Web Development job fresh out of college at Walmart (US $96,100), by showcasing to the recruiters my skills in Web Development and Data Structures & Algorithms by the means of my developed projects, I believe, I should share my learning journey so as to make your learning less troublesome than mine.

    Here, I am mentioning the link to the course that helped me master Web Development, you would find it useful – My Preferred Full-Stack Web Development Learning Resource

    See, Web Development in itself is a pretty simple domain to acquire skills in and can be successfully mastered in a short span of time. But, there is a caveat. As a beginner, much of the learner’s interest lies in the hands of the tutor and the manner in which the course is delivered to the learner. Inefficient coaching can pretty quickly lead to the learner losing interest in the subject, in worst cases – programming as a whole.

    I would bring to light that in my initial days of learning, I resorted to free video tutorials available online. But, over the time I realized that a major issue with learning from them is that they being ‘free and open for all’ community, attract lots of creators who are considering to make a quick buck. Content quality of such tutorials is questionable. Also, one cannot prove one’s grasp on the subject to potential employers, due to no provision of obtaining certification for the courses completed on those platforms. This may hinder one’s career, especially in cases where employer has set a criteria of choosing candidates with relevant degree/certificate.

    Those who wish to read more about my journey of how I, a complete amateur in Web Development, mastered the subject, and eventually bagged a high-paying job in one of the leading e-commerce giants, here I am mentioning it in detail – My Full Stack Web Development Learning Journey

    Answered on October 1, 2021.
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