Can you elaborate on the concept of “above the fold” in web design and its relevance?

Can you elaborate on the concept of “above the fold” in web design and its relevance?

Asked on November 21, 2023 in Design.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    In web design, “above the fold” refers to the portion of a webpage that is visible to a user without scrolling down. Historically derived from newspaper layouts, it’s the content users see immediately upon landing on a page. The concept is relevant because it often captures a user’s attention and shapes their initial impression. Critical information, such as headlines or a call-to-action, is commonly placed above the fold to engage users quickly. However, with the prevalence of various devices and screen sizes, it’s essential to ensure a compelling and coherent user experience beyond the initial visible area.

    Answered on November 21, 2023.
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