Where can I find my Windows 7 product key?

Windows 7 product key

Asked on December 17, 2019 in Computer.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    It’s important to have your Windows 7 license key in case you want to re-install the operating system on your Pc. If you bought the CD, then the product key is usually somewhere on the cd casing. If you purchased your copy of Windows 7 online,  then the product key should be somewhere in one of your emails from Microsoft.

    All in all,  it is important to ensure you have your Windows 7 product key somewhere safe before anything happens to your computer.

    If you cant find your product key anywhere else,  this tutorial will show you how you can retrieve the product key from your PC using a third party application.

    Belarc Advisor is a tool that builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, including software serial numbers.

    All you have to do is download the file for free and install it on your computer. Once installed, it will create a shortcut on your desktop.

    Use this short cut to run the program any time and it will give you a detailed profile of your computer.  i.e. installed software and hardware, network inventory, anti-virus status, security benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser.

    When the browser page opens,  click on ‘Software Licenses’  link on the left hand side  and  you will see the software license keys of all the installed software including Windows 7. 

    Answered on December 20, 2019.
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