C runs the world and runs Answerki. C is my favorite language of all time.
I know I may get flak for saying this: but I think C is a lot better than Python.
- with C you can develop operating systems and manipulate memory directly. in python I have never heard of a OS written in it
- C is a Systems language, while python is a scripting language. C is a lot more powerful than python, as python was designed as teaching language(kinda like pascal)
- You can literally do anything with C. BIOSes, OSes, apps, games, servers, etc are all written in C. hell even the scripting languages such as python, perl, ruby, php and javascript all have interpreters written in C.
- C is the grand father of the modern programming language. without C there wouldn’t be Java, Javascript, C#, C++, Lua, Python, Ruby, Rust.
- C is very versatile(kind of ties in with reason 3)
- finally C allows you to get to the metal(i.e the hardware) more so than the other languages. please consider this chart below
there is no “bad” programming language, all languages are pretty much same except in syntax and how close they get to the metal.